Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Have a Heart

The systole was the higher number and the diastole was the lower number because the systolic pressure is the pressure at which the blood can flow out of the blood pressure cuff and the diastolic pressure is when the blood returns to a normal flow. To measure blood pressure you use a sphygmomanometer or simply called a blood pressure cuff that includes a hand pump and a pressure gauge. To measure heart rate you can just use your fingers or you can use a stethoscope. If you are using your fingers it is best not to use your thumb because you can feel your pulse in your thumb and that would lead to confusing results. To use a sphygmomanometer you first have to put the cuff around the persons bicep a good two inches away from the elbow to allow enough room to place the stethoscope. With the cuff snug, but not too tight, you inflate it using the small hand pump, making sure the valve is closed. Once the pressure reads about 150 mmHg, you open the valve slightly to let out the air slowly (so the gauge drops about 3 mmHg per second) and listen carefully with the stethoscope. You should hear nothing for a little while but when you hear a whooshing sound pay attention to the number on the gauge and when the sound gets quiet again that is the other number.

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