Monday, January 4, 2016


1. Be fully prepared for tests. This semester I will actually study for all my tests, especially anatomy because those tests are one of the more demanding ones. I will do homework to learn from it rather then just finish it and I will practice with the information for a few days before the tests to be completely comfortable with it and be confident when walking into the class to take the test. For anatomy I will keep everything in order and make a study guide as the unit goes that I can study from when the time comes making the reviewing much easier. On the days I have anatomy, I also have my math class and most often I need to prioritize math over anatomy as tests are much more meaningful there so I will make sure to schedule time for both instead of focusing on only one.

2. Get sleep. In general I need to lower my stress levels and a huge part of getting there is to get enough and a regular amount of sleep. For the first month or so my goal is to get at least 6 hours a night to get used to sleeping at a regular time and for the next few months my goal will be 7.5-8 hours every night. To both lower stress and allow time for sleep I'm going to start homework as soon as I get home from school. I'm not going to put it off and I'll also do work ahead of time and not procrastinate on both large projects and nightly assignments. I have a bad habit of drinking coffee at night to stay awake so I will avoid drinking coffee during the afternoon and evening to make sure I have no caffeine in my system when I try to sleep. Specifically on days when I have color guard I will do as much homework as possible before practice starts so the when I get home at around 9:30 I can just have a snack and then head to bed and not worry about finishing my work that late at night.

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